When it comes to buying sunglasses, determining the size of your face and its shape is important because it helps you find the perfect frame for you. Having a frame that fits perfectly with our face allows us to have functional glasses. In order to find the best glasses for your face, you will need to measure it and determine its shape.

How to measure your face?

Measuring the size of your face will help you get an idea of what the shape of your face is. Does it seem difficult to you? No problem, just follow these simple 3 steps:

1. Measure from one cheekbone to another: Place the meter just below the eye to find the highest part of the cheekbone. Measure the same point from the opposite side of your face. Write down this number.

2. Measure the jaw line: Tap under the ears to find the end of the jaw. Measure from the end of the jaw to the other jaw by turning around the bottom of your face. Transcribe this measurement.

3. Measure the length of the face: Measure from the central hairline straight down the tip of your nose to your chin.

How to determine your face shape


What are the best glasses for a round face?

The round shape has highlighted curves and angles less defined. The best glasses if you have a round face tend not have curves, enphasizing the well defined angles that will be used to lift your face up and make it look thinner. This particular shape of face can benefit also from the use of coloured frames. If you have a round face then you can decide to go for rectangular frames,, aviator ones or, the cat-eye model..


What are the best glasses for a square face?

The square faces are usually of the same length and width, are characterized by an ample forehead and a well defined jaw. The perfect glasses for square faces are round or oval glasses, which allow you to smooth the defined corners of your face to get a more balanced look. Examples of glasses that are more suitable for those who have this shape of face are:aviator glasses, butterfly ones, round frames and oval style..


What are the best glasses for an oval face?

If you have an oval face, you have definitely won as every frame will look great on you. Oval faces have slightly rounded corners, that allow the wearer to get different types of frames: ranging from sporty ones to the most fashionable ones. Do not choose oversized frame sas they will ruin your face simmetry, try to choose glasses that will cover just the area in between your eyebrows and your cheekbone.


This type of face is elongated and has only few angles. If you have this shape of face then the most suitable glasses for you will be the oversize ones, Wayfarer frame or rectangular style.. If you have this type of face you will have to avoid small frames.


Which are the sunglasses that will mostly fit the diamond shaped face?

If you have a diamond shape face then you'll have well-defined jaw and forehead with cheeckbones that occupy most of the face. The best frames for you will be the Oval or glasant that will help you highlight your cheeckbones. Diamond shaped faces should buy frames that have light curves and that should not be wider than the cheeckbones of the wearer.



What are the best glasses if you have a heart shaped face?

If you have a heart shaped face, also know as a triangular face, then you’ll happen to have a wider face on the temples and sharper towards the chin. The glasses that will fit you are those who have the bottom side of the frame made by wide angles without having straight lines towards the face that will bring attention towards the bottom and will lengthen more your face. Cat-eye glasses or round glasses will be the best option if you want to have a more balanced look. You should match your heart face with Butterfly frames, glasant or aviator.